Google listened to me … maybe

Had to share this one with somebody …  Google’s advanced search was enabled in January to let kids select only simply written websites.  That is an idea that I had promoted 5-8 years ago. Seven or eight years ago, a school teacher complained to me how difficult it was for students to find science material … Continue reading

What if they get something wrong?

University students publishing online for classmates Did you ever have a classmate at university who got their facts wrong, leading you to miss a key question on an exam? University students have always shared study materials. Notes from a missed lecture. Laboratory data from an experiment that actually worked properly. An explanation of a difficult … Continue reading

A Modest Proposal — New Calendar

New Year’s Day should be a date without a day of the week assigned to it. Imagine being able to re-use your favourite calendar, Railroad Cars of the South Pacific.  What makes this modest proposal even more appealing is that it is an easy shift to make. As it is, a given day this year … Continue reading

Hello from the ‘expert status’ blog!

Barrier to communication with experts

When an expert talks, we can feel disenfranchised from the conversation. Welcome to my blog.  It is my project to share what I have learned about how we decide whom to regard as an expert … when we cannot quite fathom everything that they are saying. I will try to keep things in bite-sized chunks. … Continue reading